Saturday, September 15, 2012

Romancing Your Way

Romancing Your Way Into Having More Sex

There seems to be a fairly clear pattern within a married couple's sex life. While many people say it will never happen to them, this is usually during the honeymoon stage and then over time, life takes over. At some point with in the relationship a couple has less and less sex.

For the man this becomes a huge issue. They find that they are more desperate for sex. I once read that this is like baseball. The more times he strikes out the more balls he lobbies toward home plate with the hopes that one of them will get through. Whether or not that analogy makes complete sense or not, many guys are probably agreeing.

What happens Many people don't understand why their sex life slows down. Often this happens as life takes over. Romance is no longer as important, instead there is the house hold chores, work, and even kids. If kids are involved this often becomes a huge issue. Life becomes stressful and overwhelming. With that in mind many guys approach sex (which is admittedly important to them) in the wrong way to make it easy for a woman. With everything going on in life, it often feels like sex is just one more chore in the long list of things to do.

So, how can a guy change his approach and his methods to get more sex While sex is important to the guy, he should try and put it on the back burner. Sure he wants more. Sure every day would be better then once a week or once every other week. But if he focuses on it then it will be easier for her to focus on it. She won't be focusing on it in a positive way either!

Once you have put sex on the back burner, then you can work on making it easier for your wife to want sex. Sure, I can provide a lot of suggestions, but you will have to work with them to fit them in with your life and your wife. After all, no two women are the same.

1)Take time to communicate. Yep, I know that guys just aren't talkers. But women are. In fact, they feel a deepening sense of connection when they know what you are thinking and feeling. Don't panic, I know that you are thinking, Oh no, she said put sex on the back burner! So, you may be thinking about sex, but your should also talk to your wife. Tell her how you are feeling. Tell her what you want out of life, what you are hoping for the future, and how she makes you feel.

1.5)Take time to listen. Talking is only one half of communicating. You also need to listen to what she has to say. Show you are listening and that you care. You are working at building a deeper relationship with your wife, something you should work at every day.

2)Take time for a little romance. Romance is something most guys do before marriage, but quite shortly after. Once they have her hooked, why bother. Well, the answer often lies in how romance makes a woman feel. For some women it is small gifts, others just need a hug now and then, some love flowers (that would be me), and still others need you to do a few things for them to make them feel good.

3)Say, I love you in a hundred different ways. This can be complicated. However, you can say I love you (which is important for most women to hear even if you don't really like saying it), but you should also be working to show it. This can be in doing the dishes, helping with the kids, and offering a back rub.

4)Take time to date. Dating can help marriages a lot. With kids, jobs, and a whole host of things to do it can be hard, but it is well worth it. Take the time to date. If you have kids at home and can't get away then you should date at home. Find out more tips for that at How to Date Without a Sitter . Taking the time to date can be helpful in a lot of different me.

5)Spend time working your wife over with love. At first she is probably going to think you are trying to get some. However, over time you will make her feel warm and fuzzy and on days she isn't tired she may very well initiate sex. This is the bonus for you. You can improve your relationship and get more of what you really want.

6) Be willing to talk about sex with your wife. Find out what she wants, what she likes, what she dislikes, and other information regarding sex. Share with her these things as well. If you open up this area of your life you may find that you have a lot more fun with your spouse and that you are pleasuring them more as well.

Getting sex doesn't have to be a game. But if you do play by her rules, then you will find the experience more pleasurable for both of you. Find out what makes her feel loved and makes her feel the most connected with you and you will score much more often!

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