Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bhatiya Manav Sansadhan Sansthan (Indian Institute of Human Resources)

The Institute

The Institute is being established in the name and style of Bhatiya Manav Sansadhan Sansthan (Indian Institute of Human Resources) as on ___________.

The affairs of the Institute will be conducted by the Nation Council. The council will consist of the President Honorary Secretary and 10 members including President & Hon. Secretary.
The founder President, Honorary Secretary and Council members can continue to hold their membership to National Council till they desire.
Thereafter the tenure of council members will be three year only and the tenure of the President and secretary will be for two year only or till willfully resigns or found to be eligible to hold the position by the National Council.

The council can be dissolved by the President only and can be re-elected through voting by corporate members. The President and Hon Secretary to be elected by the National Council members.

AIMS And Objectives

The Institute is established with and aim and objective to promote and update and advance the knowledge and practice in the field of Human Resources through interaction between Human Resource Professionals engaged in the education, corporate and business world and through research.

The Institute will cater and provide an opportunity to these practicing HR Professional engaged in the field to continue their education in Human Resource Management Science and Technology for their Professional Advancement while in practice/service.

The Institute will aim to achieve the advancement of HR Profession, and the HR professionals to benefit the all concerned viz the corporate the individuals, professional institute and the HR Professionals etc.


The Institute will offer and provide the following different classes of memberships: -

(i) Corporate Membership

    1. Asocial member
    2. Member
    3. Fellow member

(ii) Non-Corporate Members

  1. Associates
  2. Students

(iii) Institutional Members
(a) Educational Institutes. Engaged in the field of Human Resource Management education and research.
  1. Corporate Companies.

The Activities to be undertaken by the Institute.
  1. Professional Activities
(ii) Academic Activities

Eligibility Conditions: -

Corporate Membership – Various Grades

Associate Member –

Every candidate for election as an Associate Member or for transfer from student / Associate to Associate Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualification: -

He shall have attained at lease 22 years of age on the date of application.

He is the holder of academic qualification in Management/HR Science and Technology from recognized university or institution or has passed Section A, B and C of the Associate Membership examination of the Institute or has passed such other examination as are recognized by the Council as equivalent to or exempting from Section A, B and C of the Associate Membership examination of the Institution.

He shall have at least one year of professional experience in Management/HR Science and Technology to the satisfaction of Council.

For the purpose of this clause candidates employed as teacher of engineering or in a likewise capacity in a Institution has regular course of engineering study leading to an education / qualification recognized by the Council or employed in research is accepted as an employment in design, execution, operation of engineering works.


Every candidate for election as a Member or for transfer from Associate Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualification: -

He shall have attained at lease 25 years of age on the date of application.

He has attained a standard of general education and has further received education as HR Manager(PG Level) in Management/HR Science and Technology or otherwise which satisfy the requirement of having passed Section A and B of the Membership examination of the Institute or having acquired educational qualifications recognized by the Council as equivalent to exempting from Section A and Section B of the Membership examination of the Institution.

He has achieved at least 5 years experience in a responsible position in fields of Management/HR Science and Technology.

For the purpose of this clause employment as teacher of engineering or any likewise capacity in an college or institute which has regular course of study leading to an educational qualification recognized by the Council as equivalent or exempting from Section A & Section B of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institution.


Employment in Management research may be accepted by the council in place of employment in design and execution or operation of Management/HR Science and Technology

The council may at their discretion arrange for candidate for election to grade of Member to be examined by written or oral test or both as in Section D of the Institute’s Examination in order to satisfy itself with candidate acquiring their practical training and / or professional experience and adequate knowledge.

Fellow –

Every candidate for election as Fellow or transfer from Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualifications:

He has attained the age of 30 years at the time of his application and has been in the class of Member of the Institution for a period of 5 years or such shorter period as the Council may decide in any particular case.
He has been engaged in the profession of Management/HR Science and Technology involving superior responsibility for at least 5 years or has retired from the profession after having held before his application for election or transfer to this class a position of superior responsibility in NR Management science and / or technology and / or allied branches of Management or related arts and science for at least a period of 5 years.

He has been either in the grade of Member of the Institution or has fulfilled conditions necessary for member grade and shall have had at least 15 years of employment in aggregate in a position of responsibility in design and /or execution or important Management works.

For this purpose employment as a senior member or an Management staff in a college or institution which conducts regular course of study leading to an educational qualification recognized by the Council as equivalent to or exempting from Section A & Section B of the Associate membership Examinations of the Institution or employment in a responsible position or important Management and / or research work will be accepted by the Council in place of employment in design and / or execution of important Management work.

Further, for this purpose if a candidate in active practice of his profession for at least 15 years and has attained distinction as measured by performance for a period of 10 years out of these years in active practice he shall be considered as employed in a position of superior responsibility such performance including one or more of the following: -

Publication of important original Management or scientific papers, books or invention or

Technical direction with evidence of accomplishment of important scientific Management course in a school and / or college of recognized standing, or

Establishment of furtherance of important scientific Management course in school and / or college of recognized standing or

Contribution in areas such as Management technical editing, patent presentation or patent law provided these contributions serve to advance progress substantially in the field of Management science and technology and its allied branches or the related arts and sciences.

He shall have at least 15 years of employment in the aggregate in a position of responsibility.

He shall have high educational qualification and shall occupy position of eminence in the profession of Management to the satisfaction of council.


Corporate Member in the Institution is entitled to participants in the Annual General Meetings (Extra Ordinary General Meetings) of the Institution and enjoy the right to vote.

The Corporate Member in Fellow and Member grade cab contest the candidature on the Council of the Institution and if elected for vacancies of office bears on the Council.

The Corporate Member can act as Guide / Referee to Non-corporate member in Student grade for their Referee / Project work.

The Corporate Members can contribute articles on Management science & technology for publication in “HR Manager” subject to scrutiny by the editorial Board.

The corporate Members can assist the Institution in conducting the examination at various centers, if they are appointed and sent as Institution’s observers.



Admission Fee
Annual Subscription


Age Group
Asso. Member





Above 55 Registration Fee C. Eng. Certification


1. One time fee includes Training Assessment fee.

2. For Chartered Human Resource Manager registration it is necessary to submit resume of responsible position / experience for Member & Associate Member grade during the last 5 & 10 years respectively.

3. Difference in subscription for life is payable on transfer of member from on grade to another according to the age group shown above.


1. Incomplete forms will be rejected outright without reference to the applicant.



Abbreviated Designation




Following election in Corporate class a Corporate member is eligible to register himself as Charter Human Resource Manager and use abbreviated designation of CHR Manager., after his name followed by the abbreviated designation of his grade, subject to his submitting resume of his work in Management for a period at least 18 months prior to his election in Corporate class.


The Institution offers Non-Corporate Class membership to candidates registering for Institution examinations. It is necessary to secure membership of the Institution for appearing in the above examinations. There are two types of membership.

Student grade member: Student grade membership is given to those who have secured a pass in 10th Standard with Physics, Chemistry & mathematics, 12th Standard, Graduation and who have minimum six months Managerial works experience either as Trainee or Employee. He should have completed 16 Years of age.


The Institution and its Centers conduct Technical Meetings, Lectures, Panel discussions, Seminars, Symposia’s / Workshops, Tutorials, Conference, visits to industrial Units, Projection of technical film and organize exhibitions. Student Chapter in Colmbatore, Madras, Madurai, Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai, Delhi are actively operating.

The Council has issued guidelines to its members for their contributions in industrial and economic development through their profession.


The Institution has been publishing for over ----- years a journal “HR Manager” together with ------------- News.


The Institution besides awarding cash prizes has instituted two Gold Medals, one Bronze medal for best paper published and or presented at Annual Convention.


Total Membership – * Total corporate Membership –


The Fundamental Principal

HR Managers uphold and advance the integrity, honour and dignity of the engineering profession by:

I Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;

II Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers, and clients, and

III Striving to increase the competence of the Management profession.


The Council believes that prosperity can be achieved through rapid increase in purchasing power of rural India.
By Locating at least one large industry or large industrial unit integrated with human settlement in every district or group of not more than three districts.

Achieving self-reliance in Management science and technology and linking industrial growth with research and development.

Eliminating wastage of resources of Management science and technology in investments and saving, continuing to boost the economy’s growth to keep pace with growing population.


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