Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to earn money on HubPages

How to get started earning money in HubPages A Hub I came across at hub pages written By Sweetsusieg

I found it useful and worth sharing to benefit others

Introduction to making money

Earning money on HubPages is not going to come easily, you are going to have to work for it. You are going to have to put some time into it as well, possibly several hours per day in the beginning. Anything worthwhile takes time and effort, you will find that perseverance pays off. You wouldn’t expect to go to a job and do nothing while being paid a wage would you? Look at HubPages as being a new job. What do you do at a new job?

What kind of employee are you?

Are you a full timer? Did you want to start your job as a full time employee? Remember in the working world most full time jobs are 40 hours per week. The benefit of writing at HubPages is you get to pick and choose the hours you work, and break them up as you find necessary. So you can spread that 40 hours over a period of 7 days if you wish. Spending about 5 ½ hours per day on writing.

Are you a part-timer? You just want to spend a little time each day writing, then do so. Or maybe just a few hours per week is what you have time for. For some, writing is considered part time, because of the other jobs they have. This is fine, write when you have time.

Are you a call-in employee? For instance, at a ‘regular’ job if someone were to call in sick, are you the one they call? If that’s the case then you will only work when you want to. You will write when the mood strikes. That is fine too.


Be consistent, if you get an idea write something about it. If you are driving, try to stop and write your idea down. Or if you have a recordable cell phone, use that to record your idea. Ideas for writing come at the oddest of times. Not necessarily when you are sitting in front of your computer screen. Live your life, get ideas.

You may have to research your idea for a Hub, that is great the more good - useful information you can put into a Hub the better off you will be. Make it as accurate as possible; you don’t want to give misinformation. People will come to your pages and read them, you want to be as truthful as possible. If your idea is fantastic you will have repeat viewers and people who want to ‘share’ your Hub with others.

The first thing at any new job training, with HubPages your training consists of writing. You write a few Hubs, make them as good as you can. Before publishing, look over them, get someone to proof read them for typos and errors if at all possible. You have something to say and you want the whole world to know what it is so you write it. That is your first step.

Meet your co-workers (Hubbers)

Next you want to get to know your co-workers, in HubPages you will want to meet other writers (co-workers) go into the answer page, look it over. See if there are questions you can answer, this is beneficial for you. You will be seen as a new ‘Hubber’ and older hubbers will want to welcome you. Next visit the forums, read what is written comment if you wish. Read the profiles of other Hubbers, read the Hubs, make comments. Most of them will either comment back on their own page or come to visit yours. In turn they will comment on your work, possibly giving you good feedback. ‘Follow’ a few people, a few people will ‘follow’ you. This way you are making new friends, you can easily see their work and they can see yours. Continue to meet new Hubbers, you never know when someone will help you with that burning question you have had.

Important link for you to read and follow



Your next step is to learn. In a regular job you must begin to learn; otherwise your job will be standing there at the fry bin forever. (Just an example folks don’t get mad at me) There is a ton of information to be found right here on HubPages. All you have to do is take the time to find it. Read Hubs, the information is there, just like you are doing right now.

It is important that you learn everything you can otherwise you will be like a fish out of water, just flopping around. Ask questions, you will get your answers from more experienced Hubbers.

Making money

Now on to the good part - earning money. Unlike a regular job you will not get a paycheck at the end of your first week. Why? Well first because you may not have many readers. Are you ‘sharing’ your work? You need to share with as many as possible, face book, myspace and twitter have been built in to HubPages with the share button. You can even email your Hubs to friends, family and people you know. Do this by sending them a link to your page. That way when they click on it, you will get a page view.

Have you signed up for a Google AdSense account? You should have a few hubs for Google to approve you for this, write for a week or so, giving yourself several good Hubs, then apply for this account. This is one of the ways you get paid, It will probably be the biggest way you get paid in the long run. You will find this in your affiliate settings button under ‘my account’. There is also Amazon, E-bay, Kontera and Google Analytics. It will take several days for Amazon to approve you so apply and wait. Then when you get your account you should use some of their products in your Hubs. Relate the products to what is in the content of your Hub. This will pay you a percentage if anything is sold.

The other affiliates, these can wait for you to become more used to writing Hubs and getting traffic. You will be continuing to learn as you go, you cannot learn everything you need to know about HubPages in one Hub.

Google wants you to have page views, you will build trust with them. Why do you want this? Google is the largest search engine out there, and HubPages is affiliated with them. The more page views you have, the more Google says ‘Hey, this is a good writer’. It’s kind of like a ball rolling downhill, you will pick up more speed as you go. ‘Google’ is the hill, your Hub is the ‘ball’ and speed are your ‘views’. If you already have a Google AdSense account you are one step ahead of the game, Google knows who you are and may already trust you. All you will have to do is link your HubPages account to your Google AdSense account, the instructions for that are within your account.

With this you will be building residual income. Say in the future you have made a lot of good Hubs and you are making money, it’s rolling in really good and you are happy. You break both arms and can’t type. In a ‘regular’ job you of course wouldn’t be able to work, but with HubPages, you will still receive income. That is residual income, getting paid for what you have already done, and continuing to receive pay for it.

Here are a few links I have found helpful

    * Essay Writing - How to Write an Essay
      Im a retired teacher of literature and writing. I really miss teaching, so I decided to do a little online teaching. Of course, it wont be the same because I wont have that wonderful interaction with...
    * Keyword Research Tutorial
      Keyword Research This unit introduces you to keywords and keyword research. Keyword research is a fundamental part of the search engine optimisation process. After completing this unit, you should be able...
    * Backlinking
      A backlink (also known as 'incoming links' or 'inbound links') is a link on a webpage, one you may own or usually somewhere else, that links to your target webpage or website.To contextualize it: at hubpages...
    * On-site SEO - Optimize Your Content
      What is so important about onsite search engine optimization? Right from the beginning,it is content on your website that is indexed and displayed in search results. There is no substitute for good onsite SEO.

Benefits for writing on HubPages

The benefits of writing on HubPages for a new person is just this. You learned how to write in school and are able to string some words together that make perfect sense. You have good ideas and want to put them to use. At first with any job you will find that your work isn’t perfect. Most companies allow you a ‘do over’, they don’t expect anyone new to get it perfect the first time. HubPages is the same, they allow you to go in and edit your work to make it better. To get your feet wet with writing, you are allowed to write about anything you wish. That’s kind of like getting a factory job and being allowed to run any machine you want to, how great is that?

HubPages is NOT a get rich quick scheme of any sort. You will have to put some thought into your work, and write good content. Your writing should be able to be understood by most people, use good grammar. Remember you are writing an article, not texting to your friends. If it helps, think of it as a magazine article that you would like to read. Everything must be written in English. Go over your work, give your sentences structure. Give your self some paragraphs, not many like to read a Hub that is one big long paragraph; the eyes like a break. Use the tools that you find on your page when writing a Hub, such as capsules and links. By using capsules you are making what I like to call ‘chapters’, as if you were reading a book. Linking to others’ Hubs help them as well as you.

The next step!

    * The Next step in earning money at HubPages
      Yes, there is always a next step when writing or doing anything, if you want to be successful. If youve read How to get started earning on HubPages are excited and raring to go, now it is time...

Just keep writing

Above all, keep writing. When you are finished with your first Hub, start planning for your next one. Practice makes perfect. If you don’t get the first one right, go back and edit it. You might get that one article that makes you a lot of money, but if you don't keep writing you will never know about it. Make changes, people will notice you. Learn all you can about the terms you find in HubPages such as backlinks, SEO, keywords etc.

The money will come in time, it’s not something you will find overnight. Just keep writing, continue to improve your writing skills and read the Hubs of others. There are Hubbers writing Hubs about writing. Go meet them, read what they have to say.

Good Luck! And keep writing!

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