Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Prabandhan(Management and Administration) Principles and practices through Mahabharat and Srimad Bhagavad Gita


The Mahabharat and Srimad Bhagavad Gita are the most respected and read texts of Vedic period. These are regarded as religious books of Vedic Dharma(please note Dharma does not necessarily mean religion it implies humanity and righteousness in a larger perspective). The event of Mahabharat and Principles of Bhagavad Gita when looked at with a sense of their application to the field of modern management and complex administrative situations (Prabandhan) then the real meaning, useful in day to day life is drawn. Although the essence of Bhagavad Gita is spiritual foundation of human existence on this earth but it also calls for action to fulfill the obligations and duties of life, humanity, society and universe as a whole.

Commonwealth of Nations

Commonwealth of Nations


Also called Commonwealth of Nations , formerly (1931–49) British Commonwealth of Nations a free association of sovereign states comprising the United Kingdom and a number of its former dependencies who have chosen to maintain ties of friendship and practical cooperation and who acknowledge the British monarch as symbolic head of their association. In 1965 the Commonwealth Secretariat was established in London to organize and coordinate Commonwealth activities.
Historically,theCommonwealthwasanevolutionaryoutgrowthoftheBritishEmpire.ThetraditionalBritishpolicyofallowingconsiderableself-governmentinitscoloniesledtotheexistencebythe19thcenturyofseveraldependentstatesthatwerepopulatedtoasignificantdegreebyEuropeansaccustomedtoformsofparliamentaryruleandthatpossessedlargemeasuresofsovereignty.By1931theywererecognizedashavingspecialstatuswithintheempirebytheStatuteofWestminster,whichreferredspecificallytoa “BritishCommonwealthofNations.” Therapidgrowthofnationalisminotherpartsoftheempirefromthe1920sproducedalongseriesofgrantsofindependence,beginningwiththattoIndiain1947,andrequiredaredefinitionoftheCommonwealth.In1947IndiaandPakistanbecamemembersoftheCommonwealth,thefirstwithchieflynon-Europeanpopulations.In1948Burma(Myanmar)becameindependentandrejectedmembership.In1949Indiaannounceditsintentiontobecomearepublic,whichwouldhaverequireditswithdrawalfromtheCommonwealthundertheexistingrules,butatameetingofCommonwealthheadsofgovernmentinLondoninApril1949itwasagreedthatIndiacouldcontinueitsmembershipifitacceptedtheBritishcrownasonly “thesymbolofthefreeassociation” ofCommonwealthmembers.ThatdeclarationwasthefirsttodroptheadjectiveBritish,andthereaftertheofficialnameoftheorganizationbecametheCommonwealthofNations,orsimplytheCommonwealth.TheCommonwealthwasalsobesetbyotherdifficulties,somemembersoptingtowithdrawfromtheorganization,asdidIreland(1949),SouthAfrica(1961),andPakistan(1972),thoughbothSouthAfricaandPakistaneventuallyrejoined(theformerin1994andthelatterin1989).Commonwealthmembershipgrewdramaticallyinthesecondhalfofthe20thcenturyasformerdependenciesattainedsovereignty.MostofthedependentstatesgrantedindependencechoseCommonwealthmembership,andtheorganizationhasevengrowntoincludeMozambique(joined1995),whichwasthefirstcountrygrantedentrythatwasneverpartoftheBritishEmpireorunderthecontrolofanymember.
Britain has huge overseas investments, both government and private, in the Commonwealth. When Britain joined the European Economic Community (later called the European Community) in 1973, the trade privileges of member countries began to be reduced. Now Commonwealth members have trade agreements with the European Union. Many of the exports of Commonwealth countries go to other member countries. In 1996 the Commonwealth Africa Investment Fund was established to increase investment in that continent. There are also significant educational links between members, as many British teachers travel overseas and many students from Commonwealth members study in Britain. Other cultural links include the Commonwealth Games, a sporting competition held every four years.
In addition to independent members, the Commonwealth also comprises dependent territories, which are formally governed by Great Britain, Australia, or New Zealand. Most of the older dependencies are colonies. Dependencies include Anguilla, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, and the Turks and Caicos Islands (Britain); Christmas Island, the Cocos Islands, the Coral Sea Islands, and Norfolk Island (Australia); and Niue and Tokelau (New Zealand). Britain has followed a policy of leading the dependencies toward self-government by creating territorial governments in them; these governments comprise a lawmaking body (often called the legislative council); an executive body (called the executive council), which with the governor is the executive authority; and an independent judiciary. At first government posts are appointive, but an increasing elected element is introduced, as constitutions are altered, until elected officials are made wholly responsible for local affairs. After a colony achieves internal self-government, its legislature may apply to the British Parliament for complete independence. It then decides whether to remain in the Commonwealth.

The Friends to be Forever

Friends Forever

I had so many friends
Through the journey of life
Many of them I lost track
But few in yet contact
Three of them specially
Belong to my early stages
Life had always been to me
Kind enough to provide me
Good friends one after another
Many of them I could keep in touch
Although I tried my bit to contact
But certain things are beyond us
Almighty decides them we to face
These three even lost the string
Some how with Gods wishes
The contact was re-established
May be because the belonged
To the roots traceable with
Little effort from my side
Even they tried it out
It happy movement to talk
Even meet after so long time
Apart from them there was this
One day stand type friend
Who met during morning walks
Once she requested for a meet
Next morning as she was leaving
The town there after for new city
May be forever as I failed see her
On next day and never there after
There was this another one sided
Friend of mine as always admired
Her from far away and the distance
Only has increased since then
There were these tree more friends
One childhood and another two
On job or professional friends
All thee lost the contact even
My trying to establish it failed
May be they are happily enjoying
Their life where ever they are
As such I am friendly by nature
easily make friend with any body
Who is ready to come along and
Walk a distance in time together
Because I strongly believe that
Friends are meant to be forever

Sizu My First Pet-The Golden Billa(Male Kitten)

Sizu My First Pet-The Golden Billa(Male Kitten) 


The Male Kitten Sizu(Golden in color) was our first pet. It just came in one fine day and fell on my feet leaving me with no choice but to keep him in the house. It was about four to five months old. Slowly it became part of the family and remained with us for a short time approx 11 moths. During his stay he use to frequently go out and then come back at his own wish. Slowly his stay out side got increased but end of the day or any time in the nigh he use to return back. Every thing was fine till one day Sizu went out and never returned there after. I searched for him every where I could for days together but no trace of him till date and do not know what to do about it. how do I find him. My kids miss him a lot and more than them.
Since then we all family members are looking for his return. May be by the grace of almighty one day it will come back to us.

Murdgeshwar Mahadev shrine

Murdgeshwar Shiv Temple

I happen to visit the Murdgeshwar Shiv Temple located almost 150 KM from Karwar in the UK and 250 KM from Panaji/Vasco. It is a magnificiant place to visit at least once in life time. I happen to visit the place and liked it very much.
It is linked to the King Ravana of Sri Lanka. The place is said to be built by Ravana as a tribute to lord Shiva to attain his blessings
There are few photo shoots of the visit



New Temple

Old Temple

Mukhaya Dawara

Shiva Parvaati Ganesha

Shiva Lingum

Shiva Lingum_I


Investment in Real Estate Sector in India

Indian Real State Sector for investment

A home is as a wise investment one can make for life time and as such the Real estate in India is performing and demand particularly for the residential properties are on rise also there is a sharp rise in the property prices and the demand for commercial spaces as well. Although there is increase in construction material and labour costs and also hike in Home Loan interest rates still the property sales did not go down as was feared. The appreciation of all types of properties in India has been constantly going up. As the economy grows this process is likely to continue in the future also. During the monsoon period the sales in this sector are generally low but sales go up by 25 to 30 per cent during the festive season from October to December. Therefore the monsoon is the right time to invest in the property.

The Real Estate is considered one of the fastest growing sectors in Indian economy and the main Reasons for investing in the Real estate sector are: -

* Investment purpose
* Buying a dream home
* Rental Home
* Retirement homes
* Vacation/Holiday Home
* Appreciation
* Return on investment
* Safe Investment

Apart from the above the the new trend for investments in the farm houses and agri-lands is also catching up these days in the Indian real state markets. Further, Gold and Diamonds are no more a female's best friend Even single young women have earthier tastes and believe in serious asset-creation by investing in properties, which perhaps explains why an increasing number of those below 35-40 are investing in their own homes before marriage. A trend many believe is a reflection of changing socio-economic landscape in India. "with divorce rates on the rise and the fact that many single women see their married peers going through failed marriages, asset creation in the form of real estate has become a priority."
On the law and regulations front the bill on Real State Regulator is also taking shape and likely to benefit the home buyer and the developer both by bringing in more and more transparency in the system and likely to result in affordable housing for all

Enrich Desires

Enrich Desires 

It is been a long time
Since I seen her
I wish to tell her
When ever I show her
Walking from rear
I happen to go crazy
Viewing her swaying pair
Of juicy moulds
Led my eyes on them
Full of desire and lust
Very first time when
I looked at them
With a soft touch
A shock wave went
through my whole body
But it was all in past
Now I am looking forward
Into future of well being
And shared togetherness
It will certainly
Be a golden mevement
To be with her
And bond her
To every thing
May belong to me
Share every thing
May belong to her
I wish to enrich desires
Of getting deeper into her
And being in oneness
With her fore ever

Kadamba Yadavas Rulers Of Goa_Original Capital_Chandore-Chanderpur

Chanderpur or present day Chandore the Capital City Of Goa

The Chanderpur or present day Chandore was the Capital City of Goa under the rule of the Kadamba Yadavas. The place is located few Kms from the Madgaon City. The remains of the city are very few as majority of it has been willfully destroyed by the invaders. The only left over are a Nandy Statue and a Boudy. The site has been preserved and protected as an heritage site. I personally visited the site and the few photos are displayed out of the place.

Departure Terminal

Time Stood Still

At the Departure Terminal
In that Warm Winter Noon
Amongst all the discord
I had seen nothing
But your smile
Heard nothing
But your loving voice
All I have ever felt nothing
But your presence and you
That was when I know
How much you always loved me
I had rationalised then
It was going to be painful
With out you...
Here in this less known land
Across the bay so many miles away
And with that movement of realisation
The Time has STOOD STILL

The Nature with Monkeys

Monkeys the fore fathers

The monkeys make me feel nearer to the nature. I am putting few of the photos I had taken during my visit to a small echo zone

My Visit to famous Doodh Sagar Water Falls

show you for the first time

Show you for the first time

When I show you for the first time
At the place of holiness and sacred
The holy revers water flows trough
I just do not remember the date
Even the day, well what I remember
It was late evening and you were there
In that dark black dress of yours
So fresh youthful and charming
I do not remember if you spoke
Even if I asked anything at all
The moments were limited and too short
The experience was life time
I never knew you would be so dear
Today as I look back to that day
The memories are as fresh as you
On that day and fore ever
So many years have lapsed since then
But the emotions get alive as you
On a slight remembrance of the day
Although I may not remember the day
But it as special as you and
I treasure the experience feelings
Emotions of the special day of my life

Left to the Destiney

Left to the Destiny

Many years have gone by
Long time has passed
But it seems if
It is a ting of just yesterday
When watched her
Leaving the home early
In the morning daily
For her school
She looked perfect
Student in her uniforms
Elegant but beautiful
I just watched it happen
For many day months and
May be years never counted
Things never went beyond it
But suppose she knew it
I could feel it from
Reflections her face gave
I had to depart
In service to nation
Visited only only once a yearly
and then in many years
then during a visit I learnt
her being married to some one
I do not know who he was
But a lucky fellow he was
There after I left it to the destiny
And things went on the way destined
After so many years of separation
And detachment last year
I happen to be there
I learnt once again
that the lucky person
I do not know who he was
Left her to destiny
And her old age parents
How sad the feeling was
Con not be explained in words
I once again left the pace
Do not know should I
and how to approach
and communicate to her
I once again left it to the Destiny

Corporate Rage Anger Management

Corporate Rage

In recent years with only 24 hours in a day available. There is no or very little time for everything tat every one of us want to do and achieve. Earlier there was enough time as the means were slower in nature and people had patience and calmly waited but now with faster means they just send an email/SMS and expect instant response. Therefore, consonances of delayed or no response could be damaging and the The cost of failure or under-performance is also accordingly high. Further, with very high salaries there's significant amount of greed and fear at play. People negotiate hard to come in and the contractual terms are also getting sharper day after day and have to pay back through demonstrated and measurable performance else bear the burnt. This can happen anywhere in a corporate office, on a workshop/factory shop floor, an offshore oil rig/sailing vessel, creative department of film production/advertising agency or in a BPO etc. This high pressure environment may result frustration, break down of patience, anger and finally in a new term in use called The Corporate Rage.

The Definition of Corporate Rage

It could be defined as the incident of a person getting Angry, violent and Losing one's cool at work place on his co workers or subordinates or in other words on the people under his direct or indirect control and includes the use of abusive, insulting, humiliating and derogatory language. It also includes the discriminatory and unjust treatment and inordinate behavior and conflicts.
Common Causes leading to Corporate Rage

- Job pressure
- Long hours at work
- Stress of daily living
- High employer expectations
- Pent-up anger
- High performance expectations
- Stiff targets
- Stiff cut thought competition
- People-centric demands
- Non performance

The ill Effects of Corporate Rage could visibly be seen on

- Individuals in their daily lives
- Corporate work cultures
- Corporate climates
- Organizational dynamics
- Channels of communication
- Job tenures and stability
- Social Fabric

To tackle this new phenomenon managers must show empathy to people with anger related problems. An individual must recognize that he has a problem and a counselor would help you do that. A lot of times people don't notice until they see a serious impact like say a persons yelling at his colleagues. Next, look for the triggers as the Anger is a secondary emotion and where could it be coming from? Is it a sense of frustration or being overwhelmed? Is it from getting less sleep, or about your role not being adequately defined? Sometimes we can change the external situation, or be empowered to cope better. I tell people to take brief vacations through the day. A lot of times we feel we are at the mercy of so many things outside of us. It is widely believed that one in every five persons in corporate world is likely to have issues related to anger management which may finally land him into corporate rage. The few Early WARNING SIGNS are: -

- A sense of resentment
- Not making eye contact in meetings
- Not having a healthy relationship with subordinates or team members
- Sudden irritability
- Frequently staying away from work
- Showing signs of passive aggressive behavior at the workplace
- Ready with the resignation over the smallest thing a boss or colleague says

The limited supply of talent is already forcing organizations to place less mature employees to higher responsibility positions. The end result may be that many out of them couldn't cope with the high pressure and people centric demands of their enhanced roles. these companies should put in place counseling lines and take the help of external experts to address and resolve these specific cases. In the West, stringent laws governing employee rights mean that the offender could face a real harassment or intimidating court case/lawsuit. There's no rallying call yet for corporates in Bharat Verse to take a notice of this anger as a real and big problem as t may backfire any time.

The Almighty

The Almighty 

He is Shadow of greenest of trees
He is nectar amrit water for mankind
He is first light of the morning sky
He is Companion the ultimate friend

He is response to prayers
He is joy and happiness to mankind
He is momentum of universe
He is Companion and the ultimate friend

He is redressing agent for earth
He is day and the night
He is the eternal
He is Companion the ultimate friend

He is the stress burster
He is the song of life
He is the Love
He is Companion and the ultimate friend

The Almighty Always Heard Me

 The Almighty

I begged the almighty
To provide me with magical powers
He gave toughness and strength
I begged the almighty
To provide me with brains
He gave wisdom and caliber
I begged the almighty
To provide me with wealth
He gave competence and capacity
I begged the almighty
To provide me with love
He gave sensuality and affection
I begged the almighty
To provide me with velour
He gave courage and bravery
I begged the almighty
To provide me with wishes
He gave opportunity and creativity
I never got that I wanted and begged for
I always got what I needed most

A Visit to the Ancestral Place

The Place of my Roots

In the recent past I visited the place where my roots belongs. That is where my ancestors lived for many centuries. The place falls in the Aravally Hills region. The part of it is Sandi and with limited vegetation. The place was scenic and people were simple and sober. We left the place long ago in search of better avenues but the ancestral Haweli is still in livable condition.

The places is in good condition and well maintained built in black stone and is rigid and strong enough for few more decades.

The Billa-Found and Lost

Sizu My Billa

If I can correctly recollect
it was an warm holiday morning
I was in relaxed mood seating in the poarch
Leisurely passing my free time
on an easy chair
It is when I felt some sensation on my feets
when over looked to my biggest surprise
It was an golden color kitten falling on feet
Let me tell you It was love on first sight
Even my kids love to have the creature
and we together decided to have it in the house
The kitten was Golden and beautiful small too
But very active and it played with me and kids
It slowly became the part and parcel of the house
Started sleeping on my bed and eating with me
All the arrangement were made for him
Even though it preferred to wonder out
His roaming out of home slowly increased
A day came when it did not come back
I am and my Kids are still awaiting
for his return
It has just become an another story of
The Golden Kitten Sizu found and lost

Monday, June 18, 2012

Burning My Desires

I wish to tell you every time
from bottom of my Flaring heart
held with in cyclonic chest of mine

Now it is almost a daily affair
to try control my burning desires
as to hold in to my burning hands

putting the storms under neath
to ultimate rest till climax and
let be erected for time being

But it just can not attain
the ultimate satisfaction
may be can achieve the orgasm

putting the winds to rest
Now it is an embedded habit
I suppose started enjoying it

bring the thoughts to standstill
giving the massage of life time
I just keep play around with it

Friendships for Lasting Forever

Friends are who;s presence around us
Brings joy and happiness with content
Provide meaning to co-existence
Generate understanding in relationships

We feel confident when friends around
Can conquer world with help of friends
Share sorrow and happiness with friends
Grow together for life time with friends

We find good friends only by sheer luck
There after friendship to be cultivated
Through companionship and commitment
Devotion and honesty of purpose counts

Friendship flourishes with selflessness
Emotions of peace with faith and trust
Thrust of comradeship and togetherness
Grace of God and blessings of elders

Friendship must grow in right atmosphere
Enriching the relationship and bonding
Leaving the cast and creed aside forever
On the principles of humility and humanity

Destined enough to few very good friends
Including childhood and even later on
Always grown coming together of hearts
Let us Charis the bond for life time